May 27, 2009

Microsoft drops Kumo, rebrands to Bing

Microsoft has officially dropped the codename "Kumo" from its rebranding of its Live Search to help compete against search engine giant Google, by giving Live Search a new name. The newest name will be "Bing" instead of "Kumo". The new ad campaign will be placed on TV, radio, Internet, newspapers and other media to outlets with the new branding.

The new $80 to $100 million ad campaign, according to AdvertisingAge, will not directly attack Google, Yahoo, or even by name, but instead "Bing" ads will try to convince users to use "today's search engines".

Microsoft believes they have the edge in the new search engine, indicating that 42% of all first query searches need to be refined. Bing promises to help cut down on users search time by adding related categories to help users find exactly what their looking for.

The related search categories would help users who may be looking for a new car or a cell phone, linking users with reviews, prices, and much more related to the searched product. The new search categories will help win over some users when Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announces "Bing" for the first time at All Things D which runs through May 26 through 28.

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