Jun 17, 2009

SKTimeStamp Allows Users to Modify Documents’ Date at Own Preference

Wonder how you can change the Timestamp, such as document editing date of a particular document? Although this is not always encourage-able but occasionally you may need to do it in order for you to back date some documents’ editing time so that you can fool certain readers when they receive and review your documents. Now with the simple utility named as SKTimeStamp, users can easily edit the date of creation, modification as well as the last accessed time at own preference.

Once download and install the utility, you are ready to go. Users can choose any particular file that would like to be modified by right clicking on it follow by ‘Properties’ selection. You will notice a new tab with the name of ‘TimeStamps’ and just click on it to enter the submenu. Users can simply select any date and time under respective ‘Created’, ‘Last modified’ or ‘Last accessed’ attributes follow by ‘Apply’ button to confirm the change. For the fast creation, just click on ‘Touch’ button so that the file will be updated to current date when you click on it.

However, you may need to be careful so that not to mix up the date of creation and modification. For instance, it would be suspicious if the date of creation is later than date of modification and even if you do so the utility may not able to correct or alert you. Anyway, this is quite a simple but yet useful tool whenever there is a need to change the document date and it is free for download here for immediate use in Windows PC.

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